Optionally run the densisty check on each visited chunk water => Control water settings Visitmap => Visit a given area of the map.
#7 days to die console commands alpha 20 mods
Twitch => useage: twitch updatelighton => Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers version => Get the currently running version of the game and loaded mods Thirsty => Makes the player thirst (optionally specify the amount of water you want to have in percent) TestDismemberment (or) tds => Dismemberment testing toggled Teleportplayer (or) tele => Teleport a given player SystemInfo => lists SystemInfo teleport (or) tp => Teleport the local player Switchview (or) sv => Switch between fpv(first person view) and tpv(third person view) Starve hungry food => Makes the player starve (optionally specify the amount of food you want to have in percent) Spectrum => Force a particular lighting soectrum Spectator spectatormode (or) sm => enables/disables spectator mode Spawnwanderinghorde (or) spawnwh = Spawns a wandering horde of zombies Spawnsupplycrate => Spawns a supply crate where the player is Spawnentityat (or) sea => Spawns an entity at a given position Smoothworldall (or) swa => Applies spme vatched smoothing commands Showtriggers => Sets the visibility of the block triggers Showspecular (or) spec => enables/disables display of specular values in gBuffer Shownormals (or) norms => enables/disables display of normal maps in gBuffer Shownexthordetime => Displays the wandering horde time ShowClouds => Artist command to show one layer of clouds Showchunkdata (or) sc => shows some date of the current chunk Showalbedo (or) albedo => enables/disables display of albedo in gBuffer Settime (or) st => Set the current game time Settempunit (or) stu => Set the current temperature units

Settargetfps => Sets the target FPS the game should run at (upper limit) Say => Sends a message to all connected clients Resetallstats => Resets all achievement stats (and achievements when parameter is true) saveworld (or) sa => Saves the world manually Repairchunkdensity (or) rcd => check and optionally fix densities of a chunk Removequest => usage: removequest questname Profiling => Enable Unity profiling for 300 frames reloadentityclasses (or) rec => reloads entityclasses xml data

Profilenetwork => Writes network profiling information Pplist => Lists all PersistentPlayer data Placeblockrotations (or) pbr => Place all rotations of the currently help block Newave => Test new HD stuff occlusion => Control OcclusionManager pirs => tbd Networkserver (or) nets => Server side network commands Memcl = Prints memory information on client and calls garbage collector networkclient (or) netc => Client side network commands Mem = Prints memory information and unloads resources or changes garbage collector LogPlayerOwnedEntities (or) logpoe => Logs player owned entities mapdata => Writes some map data to an image Loglevel = Telnet/Web only: Select which types of log messages are shown Loggamestate (or) lgs => Log the current state of the game Listplayerids (or) lpi => Lists all players with their IDs for ingame commands Killall => Kill all entities lgo (or) listgameobjects => List all active game objects Kickall => Kicks all users with optional reason. Giveselfxp => usage: giveselfxp 10000 help => Help on console and specific commands junkDrone (or) jd => Local player junk drone queries kick => Kicks user with optional reason. Gettime (or) gt => Get the currrent game time Getlogpath (or) glp => Get the path of the logfile the game currently writes to

Getgamepref (or) gg => Gets game preference optional parameter 'save perks' is set to true debugweather => Dumps internal weather state to the consoleĭms => Gives control over Dynamic Music functionalityĭynamic mesh debug zd => Dynamic mesh debug exhausted => Makes the player exhaustedĮxportcurrentconfigs => Exports the current game config XMLsĮxportprefab => Exports a prefab from a world area floatingorigin fo => no info givenįov => Camera field of view gamestage => Shows the gamestage of the local player of your current perks levels in a CSV file next to it if the Lets you make a screenshot that will have some generic info The next section of this guide may offer some help.Īiddebug => Toggles AIDirector debug output.īuff => Applies a buff to the local playerĬamera cam => Lock/unlock camera movement or load/save a specific camera positionĬhunkcache cc => Shows all loaded chunks in cacheĬommandpermission (or) cp => Manage command permission levelsĬreativemenu (or) cm => enables/disables the creativemenu debuff => Removes a buff from the local playerĭebuffplayer => Remove a buff from a playerĭebugmenu (or) dm => enables/disables the debugmenuĭebugshot (or) dbs => Usage: debugshot **Note: I do not know what each CC does, nor how it works. To get further help on a specific topic or command type: help (+) CC | Ex: help weather