It is possible to give a stamped passport and a stamped seizure slip to the same entrant (as long as those two are not the last two documents to be returned). If the inspector gives the entrant a passport seizure slip and the passport is not in the confiscation drawer, it is automatically moved there. If the inspector has already returned all other documents to the entrant except for the passport and the seizure slip, the entrant will walk out after getting either of those back. It can only be reopened during scripted encounters.Ī confiscated passport can be removed from the drawer and returned to the entrant as long as the entrant is still in the booth and has not gotten all their other documents back. The confiscation envelope is sealed once the original owner of the passport has left the booth. Confiscating Obri passports before day 29 will not count toward ending 18. This opportunity is presented by Jorji Costava on day 29. If the inspector wants to flee to Obristan with his family near the end of the game, he needs to confiscate Obri passports for his family members.

On day 30, a father wants to avenge the death of his daughter by using a passport confiscated from the man who killed her.On day 27, EZIC wants the inspector to confiscate the passport of a Kolechian diplomat in order to slip their own agent through.The confiscation of passports plays a part in three storylines: However, a citation is issued for each unauthorized confiscation. The drawer will open automatically and an unstamped passport seizure slip will appear once the passport has been dropped into the drawer.Īlthough not explicitly stated, the inspector can confiscate any passport he encounters, not just those of Arstotzkans. Passports are confiscated by dragging them to the bottom of the screen near the handle of the drawer. For the rest of the game, the inspector must confiscate all Arstotzkan passports from Arstotzkan entrants without exceptions. On day 28, the Arstotzkan government takes stricter measures and expands the passport confiscation program. From that day on, the inspector is expected to confiscate all passports from Arstotzkans living in the Altan district and issue passport seizure slips to allow entry if the entrant is not violating any other rules. regarding suspicious activities by some Arstotzkan citizens. On day 24, the Ministry of Information requests help from the M.O.A. A special drawer for confiscated passports is installed in the booth on day 24 when the confiscation order is first issued. Passport confiscation is a process where the inspector seizes an entrant's passport by order of the Ministry of Admission. A rulebook entry about passport confiscation.